Thursday, September 16, 2004

the love of my earthly life...

steveandcarole.JPG, originally uploaded by stevetreichler.

I am hopelessly, carelessly, and wonderfully in love with the woman who said "YES" to me in March of 1987. To propose to Carole on that cold, March day, I fell to both knees (some guys need to beg!) at the site of our original DTR talk. For those of you not in the know, 'DTR' is couple-speak for that huge 'define the relationship' talk you have before you start dating. Very painful experience for most, strike that, ALL men.

During that first encounter at this park in NE Minneapolis, I stumbled around for the better part of an hour and a half to simply get the words out "I like you, what do you think about that?" In fact, I was so confusing in my speech, I am amazed she stayed there. When asked if I had any feelings for her, I said, "If I were to say to you that I wasn't interested in you, I would be lying..." Nice use of the old double negative trick there to figure out what in the world he is saying, eh?

After a few moments, as Carole took out her pocket "scared-guy-speech-translated-to-common-English" to figure out what this meant, Carole was pleased, for this entry means "I'm nuts about you, baby!"

In my favorite book on marriage, Larry Crabb writes about the joy of marital relationships. In it he states there are three main areas to marriage:

* Spirit Oneness: Trusting in Christ alone to meet your personal needs for security and significance; * Soul Oneness: Ministering to your partner in a way that enhances an awareness of his or her worth in Christ; * Body Oneness: Enjoying sexual pleasure as an expression and outgrowth of a personal relationship.

The goal of marriage, taking Crabb a bit futher, is for the two [individuals] to become one [intensely intimate and open and vulnerable] in EVERY area of their lives. Emotionally, Spiritually, Financially, Managerially (running a house with three boys and a dog), Time-wise, and Physically.

I have been blessed with an amazing life-partner who loves Jesus Christ from her toes, and loves me in spite of myself. She is my hero, and anything that can be said about me in positive way somehow can be traced back to her encouragement, support and love toward me. I love you babe!

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