Monday, September 27, 2004

life is hard . . . God is good

My friend Adam, and his wife Maureen have really been through it lately, with health concern after health concern plaguing their extended family. It is almost comical how hard this has hit.

A few days ago, Adam wrote a great email asking for prayer (and I would encourage anyone reading this to pray for them). However, the thing that really struck me was his closing paragraphs. Having his permission to reprint them, here it is:
I am struggling intensely with all of this, so please keep me in your prayers that I would not be frustrated and overwhelmed. Just the other day I asked God, “Are you wanting to modernize the book of Job? Should I be jotting stuff down? Are my goats going to start dying soon? Should I try to order some sackcloth online? Maybe get a bag of Kingsford I can smear on my face when people start dying?”

But I trust Him. Day by day he gives me “the peace that passes understanding” which I have come to understand means that as far as you can see life is hard, there is sickness and death, and financial problems and cars breaking down and relatives in Afghanistan, but I am bigger than all that, and your peace is rooted in who I am, and not the things you see around you, so calm yourself.

I love Adam and Maureen and their heart for Him. I KNOW that God will not waste this pain in their lives. Life is hard...and God is good!!!

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