Friday, March 10, 2006

Proverbs 10 - what do I delight in?

A fool finds pleasure in evil conduct, but a man of understanding delights in wisdom. ~ Proverbs 10:23
I have always felt that a great indicator of how I am doing with God is to ask, "What is it right now that would give me joy?" If the answer is something that is out of bounds of God's ways, then I am not doing well, and my heart needs work! If it is something like communing with him, or fly fishing so that I can enjoy God, or that I can enjoy my wife deeply through communication and friendship, then God is active. Ask yourself, what do I take pleasure in, what do I delight in?

1 comment:

Wash0088 said...

"He who heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray."

This reminded me of something that Cor was talking with me about on Wednesday. Something to the effect that if we follow the passions that God gave us, along a path that is "within the bounds of God" (to use Steve's term), then we can show others the truth. By being an example, and finding joy in God, it will be obvious to others around us that something bigger than the physical life is going on here. This is really what brought me to God-my best friends at UMD being great examples, and finding great things through God.