Friday, May 18, 2007

Food for thought...



stevetreichler said...

Okay, I'll start.

I usually hate Christian videos because they are cheesy and they 'give too much away'. However, this one I like, as it sparks a lot of dialogue.

What is the crumbling that is happening? I wonder if the one's who made this video were thinking. Did they think it is our postmodern way of thinking now, and that the crumbling is the loss of the modern way of thinking?

If so, then it should crumble away! The modernist revision of Christianity was a very dangerous thing - reducing Jesus down to a system of doctrines and church to glorified Kiwanis club. This is only 1/2 of the gospel message, and if not corrected leaves us in a different place than biblical Christianity.

Real Christianity is about so much more. Of course it is about knowing Jesus through the propositional doctrince of Scripture. Yet, there is so much more in our relationship with Him, and this is so vital to a full understanding of "the whole counsel of God." I'm not moving away from doctrine in my statement above. Just that orthodoxy requires to have a full orthodoxy - that is, to have a transformational, wonderful, powerful, personal relationship with the Living God in Jesus Christ!

What do you think is the "crumbling" that is happening?

Victoria said...

I guess when I watched it, the crumbling to me represented mans falling into sin. I saw the boy as a person who knew the truth of what was going on in the world (i.e. a true follower of Christ) and the rest of the people going on with their ignorant bliss.

I could see the hurt inside of him as he looked around at all of the people who were unaware of the darkness that was creeping up from below. He appeared to want to save them but didn't know how. Then at the end when they asked how he did that, he held up a cross, which is truth.

I have to admit that while I was watching it, I was thinking that it was slightly cheesy. But after reading your comments on what you interpreted the crumbling to be, and knowing how I interpreted, I think it does make for interesting conversation.

Could it be that our surroundings, our place in life is going to determine what is crumbling around us? What is crumbling and how can I use Christ to stop it.


Anonymous said...

hey stevinski

yeah, a bit cheesy.

I understand the message, and you seem to have a solid interpretation. As a work of art, I can see the market, and I can see them appreciating it.

Does this kind of thing work as a prosthelitizing tool, though? Doesn't the hardened heart simply laugh when they reach the end.

You know I'm not being sarcastic, I really am curious if you think this is useful as other than an edification of the faithful.

It seems like poetry to me. Those who appreciate it, will appreciate it. Those who don't will use it as an example of why they don't.

Man it sounds like I've got a chip on my shoulder... I don' think I do, but I can't see very well from my point of view.

Really though, I looked at your church page, and the bio of the church and all, and it looks very cool. You got a heck of a ministry going. Even an outsider will admit that it is a real accomplishment. Nice to see you are doing well.
(Look at

Well, I'm off topic, so ... final word: The video is well made and meaningful, but esoteric in a way that might nullify any message it tries to send to any other than the believer. I don't suppose a person needs to see everything as a tool for evangelism, though.

What do you think.

offering an outsider's view

stevetreichler said...


I think you are right - art/poetry can cause you to think - but a person always describes as "cheesy" things that are 'preachy' in nature. This is not limited to Christian stuff (although, I think they have the market pretty well filled!) - but can also be anti-tobacco, global warming, etc.

Dude, I haven't seen you in like forever! I thought FOR SURE I walked by you at Merlin's rest right by our house about a week ago. Was that you? It was a Tuesday, May 15th. I did a double take on someone and probably freaked them out - however, I had to run as I was meeting up with someone.

Anyway, how have you been? email me at I'd love to take you out for a beer or something.

Your old roommate (in the old 'rat house'),


Anonymous said...

There is absolutely no doubt that the cheese spreads around liberally! (don't pardon the pun, darn it, I'm a wordsmith!)When a person sees a target-market commercial or hears the right radical "globie" talking about their planet warming up, you can certainly detect a bit of that artificial passion (preachiness) we call "cheese."

I do think that this clip was very well produced, and that is important. My usual complaint with this type of film would be that it looks like it is produced by a high-schooler. This one was seamless. I guess in the modern world the video canvas is becoming really accessable. (yay i-movies)

I saw you walk by Merlin's. I recognized your gait, oddly enough. I guess you hang around with a guy enough and you notice things. I told the guy I was talking with that it was you, and shouted "Steve" -quiet enough that if it wasn't you, you wouldn't notice. I guess too quiet.

The pipeband convenes at Merlin's every Tuesday night around 9:00 pm after rehearsal (about 2 miles away at some church). I am there nearly every time if I don't have some dumb schoolwork to do. Even then most of the time, too.

Drop in.
We'll do cawffee and tawk.
Or do Guinness and Grin.
