Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Sorry, blog readers - just been so busy

I have been in the midst of getting ready for a missions trip to the Ukraine, finishing two major projects for my Doc of Ministry at Trinity in Deerfield, and, I know, life isn't too busy - let's remodel our basement! With all of that, I am sorry, but I've put blogging on hold. I'm replacing my old worn out laptop this Friday with a new one, and will have to start breaking it in. I'll catch up with thoughts about my classes, ministry season at Hope right now, dreams for the church planting efforts here at Hope as well as my trip to the Ukraine soon.... keep posted!


Anonymous said...

About flppin' time, dude...I've been checking your blog faithfully, but have been feeling like it's sort of a one way relationship. I feel like I'm doing all the giving here. ALL YOU DO IS TAKE. What about my needs, Trike? GIMME, GIMME, GIMME! I NEED, I NEED, I NEED!

I'm sorry it had to come to that...

A. Engler said...

Oooooo! What's your D.Min (don't you LOVE that acronym) projects revolving around? e.g. what are you focussing on?

leah said...

Just stopping by to say "HI" and that I found your blog.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, blog readers - just been so busy was what caught my attention. I was just out browsing around today looking for information on the coolest kid in the world, and happened accross your blog. Although it's not completely related to the coolest kid in the world, it certainly made me stop and ponder. Thanks for the great read stevetreichler...I'll be back.

Anonymous said...

Wow - now that's some great spam...

Anonymous said...

Holy smokes!!! I've been trying all day to find little know sources of "real" people online with thoughts and ideas about coolest kid in california. I stumbled on to your porst about Sorry, blog readers - just been so busy and although it's not exactly what I was looking for, it certainly caught my attention. I'm personally building a resource for coolest kid in california and hope you might stop by and check it out when you have a chance...let me know your thoughts. I'll be sure to send people this way as well. Thanks stevetreichler...Cheers!

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