Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Too busy to blog?

Dude and Dudettes,

I want to say I am so sorry that I have been negligent in updating my site here. I'm back in the saddle now!

For those of you who get crazy busy in the fall, like me, here's a little something that will save you a bunch of time - trust me:

Bunnies do "It's a Wonderful Life in 30 seconds"

And, for those of you who have bunch of free time, check these out!

Time Wasters




Anonymous said...

Here's another site for folks with lots of time.

I've gotten the feeling that you aren't the biggest cat fan, but neither am I and I still found this site pretty cool.

Click on frankie, then click next cat over and over.

Anonymous said...

Excellent website. Good resources here, I will be back!
- d
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