Below is his GREAT email about what is going on. For those of you who are not into analogies, here's your chance:
WARNING: What follows is one long, but really cool analogy!
There, you have been warned... Enjoy!
To All,
Short Take: The heart surgery has been moved up to a week from this Thursday, December 11th.
Long Take ...into Eternity:
Mayo did more tests last week. God did also.
Mayo is confident the problem is one of a flawed heart. God is even more confident of this.
Mayo says it is a condition I was born with. God concurs - says it has been passed on from generation to generation - since man's original heart problem.
Mayo says the problem is one of a "short-circuit", where the heart is getting input from a source it should not be getting input from, causing it to function in a way it was not designed to function. God concurs - says, since the heart was designed for one purpose - to "love the Lord your God with ALL your heart", any other love source short-circuits Him and creates all kinds of problems.
While Mayo is sure the problem is a short-circuit, they are not sure where this errant circuit is actually located. Thus, before they do any zapping of circuits, they will first seek to find and identify the errant circuit. It may be on the surface and very obvious or it may be hidden in the deepest recesses of the heart. God knows where it is. He wrote a book which, among other things, contains practical ways to help us find and identify our errant heart circuits. It's a must read. It's a must follow.
When Mayo identifies the errant circuit, they will then zap it. They zap it in such a way as to render it inoperable. It dies. And the heart is free. The key is to make sure it is rendered completely inoperable. A partially operating short-circuit of the heart can be as much of a risk as a fully operating one. Such it is with one's spiritual heart. It longs to be free of any and all short-circuiting loves. It was created to love its Creator and to love it only. To love God brings to the heart its greatest joy. It is its greatest purpose, its greatest fulfillment. It is where the heart is most satisfied. It is where God is most glorified.
The heart is a wondrously created thing. It was created by a wondrous God and He gave one to each.
Such is, and such I desire in, my heart.
tom's apparently got it together man...thanks for sharing...
Hey "stevetreichler", just found your site on a search for love spells. Read a few posts, so thought I'd say hi and thanks! :)
Me. -- "I tried these free easy love spells and got my boyfriend back!"
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