Saturday, September 17, 2005

An amazing website

Just came across one of the coolest free websites on the web - There is an entire Theology Class offered FREE, called "The Theology Program" and it includes readings and video of classroom instruction.

If nothing else, check out their 216 Theology Questions Answered" page - it is awesome, with video of each answer.

I haven't listened to all of it, so be discerning in what they are teaching, but from a first glance, it looks real helpful and sound. Helped a bunch with prepping for the intro to the gospel of John.

Keep lovin' the word,


Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Too busy to blog?

Dude and Dudettes,

I want to say I am so sorry that I have been negligent in updating my site here. I'm back in the saddle now!

For those of you who get crazy busy in the fall, like me, here's a little something that will save you a bunch of time - trust me:

Bunnies do "It's a Wonderful Life in 30 seconds"

And, for those of you who have bunch of free time, check these out!

Time Wasters
